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Other Entries

Help ProPublica Report on Railroad Worker Safety

Many railroad employees tell us being injured on the job or reporting a safety concern can be fraught with consequences. Our investigative journalists want to talk with insiders in order to tell this story right.

Ayúdenos a informar sobre las deterioradas escuelas públicas de Idaho

El Idaho Statesman y ProPublica quieren enterarse de las condiciones dentro de las escuelas del estado.

Help Us Report on Idaho’s Deteriorating Public Schools

The Idaho Statesman and ProPublica need your help to get a full picture of school building conditions across the state. We want to understand the effects on students and teachers.

Have You Faced Barriers to Getting Gender-Affirming Care? Help Us Investigate.

Gender-affirming care is medically necessary but can be hard to access. ProPublica is investigating the ways transgender people are blocked from getting quality health care related to gender transitions.

Ayude a ProPublica y The Salt Lake Tribune a investigar las agresiones sexuales en Utah

Estamos reportando sobre las agresiones sexuales por parte de profesionales. Puede llenar nuestro formulario confidencial que incluimos a continuación para informarnos acerca de profesionales e instituciones de atención médica sobre los que piensa que deberíamos informar.

Were You Affected by the Massive Wildfire in Northern New Mexico? We Want to Hear From You.

Last summer’s wildfire caused thousands to flee. Source New Mexico and ProPublica want to know if people got the help they needed.

Help Us Report on Assisted Living Facilities in Maine

The Maine Monitor and ProPublica need your help to report on how well Maine's assisted living facilities look after people who need a high level of care, and whether the state is doing enough to ensure that residents’ needs are being adequately met.

Ayúdenos a investigar las condiciones en las granjas lecheras

Necesitamos su colaboración para entender las dificultades que enfrentan los trabajadores en los ranchos.

Help ProPublica Journalists Investigate the Dairy Industry

We need your help to understand the challenges facing dairy farm workers. We especially want to hear from farmers, medical professionals, regulators and anyone else with perspective from inside the community.

Help ProPublica and The Salt Lake Tribune Investigate Sexual Assault in Utah

We’re reporting on sexual assault by health care professionals, an issue we highlighted in our story about a Provo OB-GYN who was sued by nearly 100 women who said he sexually assaulted them during treatments.

Do You Have Experience With Peripheral Artery Disease? Have You Had a Procedure on Your Leg? Tell Us About It.

Some doctors may be overusing a procedure to clear out clogged arteries in legs, potentially leading to amputations. We need your help connecting with patients, including those who may not know they have had an atherectomy.

Help Us Investigate Museums’ Failure to Return Native American Human Remains and Cultural Items

Do you know about how museums and other institutions are handling the repatriation of Native American human remains and cultural items under NAGPRA? We want to hear from you.

Do Blocked Railroad Crossings Endanger Your Community? Tell Us More.

We want to understand what stationary and long trains mean for EMS, firefighters, police and families across the country.

Help Us Report on Stillbirths

We want to understand stillbirths and their effects on parents, families and medical professionals. You can help by sharing your experience with us.

Tell Us How Religious Organizations in Your Area Involve Themselves in Elections

Federal law bars churches and other nonprofit groups from endorsing candidates or helping to fundraise, but we know they regularly sidestep — or flat-out ignore — these rules. Help us identify examples.

Do You Work With These Hazardous Chemicals? Tell Us About It.

Asbestos and other dangerous materials can cause serious health effects — and the U.S. hasn’t banned some substances like other countries have. Your input can help us report on the extent of this problem for American workers.

Are You in a State That Banned Abortion? Tell Us How Changes in Medical Care Impact You.

Serious medical issues can arise during pregnancies. Our reporters want to understand how policy changes affect intimate medical decisions. Your examples can help.

Do You Have Insights Into Health Insurance Denials? Help Us Report on the System.

Insurers deny tens of millions of claims every year. ProPublica is investigating why claims are denied, what the consequences are for patients and how the appeal process really works.

Help ProPublica and The Texas Tribune Report on the Military Justice System

We’re looking into how the military investigates service members accused of crimes, intersects with the civilian justice system and treats cases that do not make it to courts-martial. Guide us to important stories.

Help Us Report on Uranium Mining, Milling and Enrichment

Across the country, companies have been handing off uranium mills and disposal sites to the federal government. ProPublica wants to understand the process from all sides.

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